what is 1/5 times 185

what is 185 divided by 5?

1/5 * 185 = 1/5 * 185 / 1

Multiply the numerators together; then multiply the denominators together.

1/5 * 185 / 1 = 185/5 = 37

What is 14,757/67.1

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To calculate 1/5 times 185, you can use the formula:

Result = Value1 * Value2

In this case, Value1 is 1/5 and Value2 is 185.

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators together to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominators together to get the new denominator. Therefore, to multiply 1/5 by 185, you can simplify it like this:

(1/5) * 185 = (1 * 185) / (5 * 1) = 185/5

Now you can simplify 185/5. Since 5 divides evenly into 185, the simplified form is:

185/5 = 37

Therefore, 1/5 times 185 is equal to 37.