A quadrilateral -------- has two congruent sides?


---- always. Sometimes. Never

sometimes. Quadrilateral means four sides, there is no reason for any of them to be congruent, but they could be.

The correct answer is "Sometimes." A quadrilateral can have two congruent sides in certain cases. To determine when this happens, we need to consider the different types of quadrilaterals.

- In a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal in length. Therefore, if the opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent, it means that two sides are also congruent.

- In a rectangle, all four angles are right angles, and opposite sides are congruent. Since opposite sides are congruent, it is possible for a rectangle to have two congruent sides.

- In a square, all four sides are congruent, so it always has two congruent sides.

- In a rhombus, all four sides are congruent, so it also always has two congruent sides.

However, there are other quadrilaterals where two sides are not necessarily congruent. For example:

- In a trapezoid, only one pair of opposite sides is parallel, so it doesn't necessarily have congruent sides.

- In a kite, two pairs of consecutive sides are congruent, but the other two pairs are not, so it doesn't have two congruent sides.

So, it is important to note that while some quadrilaterals always have two congruent sides (square and rhombus), other quadrilaterals (parallelogram and rectangle) can also have two congruent sides, but it is not guaranteed for all quadrilaterals.