Which one of the following lines best illustrates personification?

A. The fog comes on little cat feet.
B. Spring is a dream unsung.

C. She floated graceful as a dove.

D. A narrow wind complains all day.

Please see my previous answer.


To determine which one of the following lines best illustrates personification, we need to understand what personification is. Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to non-human entities or inanimate objects.

A. "The fog comes on little cat feet." This line, from the poem "Fog" by Carl Sandburg, personifies the fog by attributing it the action of "coming on little cat feet." This line suggests that the fog is quiet and mysterious, like a cat.

B. "Spring is a dream unsung." While this line uses metaphor to compare spring to an unsung dream, it does not use personification as it does not attribute human qualities to spring.

C. "She floated graceful as a dove." Although this line uses a simile to compare the gracefulness of a person to that of a dove, it does not use personification as it does not attribute human qualities to anything non-human.

D. "A narrow wind complains all day." This line, from the poem "Autumn Movement" by Carl Sandburg, personifies the wind by attributing it the action of "complaining." This line suggests that the wind is expressing its discontent or unhappiness.

Therefore, the line that best illustrates personification is A. "The fog comes on little cat feet." It attributes human-like qualities to the fog by describing its movement as resembling the silent footsteps of a cat.