what is the roman numeral for 4??

IIII i think... forgive me if i am wrong!!


Other than reading the time off grandfather's clocks, did they tell you why you are learning these?

No... I am actually doing an outline for language class but i forgot whaty 4 was... IIII or IV but you helped me... thanks!!

When you play golf, you can shout "IV".

The Roman numeral for 4 is "IV".

To understand how Roman numerals work, it's helpful to know the basic symbols used:
- I represents the number 1
- V represents the number 5
- X represents the number 10
- L represents the number 50
- C represents the number 100
- D represents the number 500
- M represents the number 1000

In Roman numerals, smaller numbers placed in front of larger numbers are subtracted from the larger number. In the case of 4, it is represented as "IV". The "I" (1) is subtracted from the "V" (5), resulting in 4.