what dose it take to win a tug of war?

Dose of what? castor oil? aspirin? steroids?

Greater strength?

To win a tug of war, you need a combination of physical strength, teamwork, and strategy. Here are a few key factors that can contribute to winning a tug of war:

1. Strength: Tug of war requires strong and coordinated pulling force from the team members. Building upper body strength (especially in the arms and back) through exercises like weightlifting or resistance training can help improve your chances of winning.

2. Teamwork: Working together as a team is crucial in tug of war. Here are some teamwork factors to consider:
- Communication: Effectively communicate and coordinate pulling efforts with your teammates. Ideally, the entire team should act together in unison, pulling at the same time with the same intensity.
- Technique: Develop a strategy and technique that maximizes your team's pulling power. This may involve synchronizing your movements, using specific hand grips, or adopting a solid stance to maintain balance and leverage.

3. Footwork and Stance: Proper footwork and stance can provide stability and balance to maximize your pulling force. Make sure to distribute your weight evenly, keep your feet firmly planted, and adjust your stance according to the movements of your opponents.

4. Positioning: Positioning your team is an important aspect of strategy. Consider factors such as the weight and strength distribution among your team members, and place your strongest pullers strategically to gain an advantage.

5. Mental Focus: Concentration and mental focus are important during a tug of war match. Stay determined and motivated, and don't lose hope even if you encounter resistance. A strong mindset can make a difference in a close competition.

Remember, winning a tug of war requires a combination of physical strength, coordination, strategy, and teamwork. Practicing together as a team, developing strength, and refining technique can significantly increase your chances of success.