'A surprise ending to a short story only works when the ending is believable. The writer must carefully prepare readers for what is to come, supplying hints about the resolution without revealing it.'

I have to write how Poe forshadowed Fortunato's end in The Cask of Amantillado and how the short story The Necklace had a surprise twist. What techniques did the authors use? Please help, just by giving me an idea so I can write


Go back and reread both stories, looking for specific answer to the questions.

We'll be glad to help you after you've posted your answers.

Sure! I can help you with that. When discussing how Edgar Allan Poe foreshadowed Fortunato's end in "The Cask of Amontillado", it's important to note that Poe was a master of creating a sense of unease and suspense in his writing. Here are a few techniques he used in this particular story:

1. Setting and Atmosphere: Poe establishes a gloomy and eerie atmosphere right from the beginning by describing the Montresor family catacombs, which immediately sets the tone for the impending doom.

2. Verbal Irony: Throughout the story, Montresor makes several ironic statements that hint at his sinister intentions. For example, when he says, "My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met" or "My heart grew sick; it was the dampness of the catacombs that made it so."

3. The Coat of Arms: Montresor's family coat of arms contains the Latin motto "Nemo me impune lacessit," which translates to "No one provokes me with impunity." This foreshadows that any wrong done to Montresor will not go unpunished, indicating the revenge he plans to exact on Fortunato.

Now let's discuss the surprise twist in Guy de Maupassant's "The Necklace". In this story, Maupassant uses the following techniques to lead readers to a surprising resolution:

1. Misdirection: Maupassant skillfully misleads the readers into believing the story is about the loss and replacement of a valuable necklace. The focus on Madame Loisel's desire for material possessions creates an expectation that the twist will center around her acquiring or losing the necklace.

2. Irony: The twist lies in the realization that the necklace was actually a fake. Maupassant uses irony to emphasize the contrast between the perceived value of the necklace and its true worth, providing an unexpected revelation.

3. Subtle hints: Throughout the story, Maupassant drops subtle clues that suggest the necklace might not be what it seems. For instance, Madame Loisel's reluctance to disclose to her friend that the necklace is borrowed, or her fascination with excessively expensive jewelry, sets the stage for the revelation.

By analyzing and discussing these techniques, you can demonstrate how Poe and Maupassant skillfully foreshadowed and created a surprise twist in their respective stories. Remember to provide specific examples and explain how these techniques contribute to the overall surprise and believability of the endings.