Need help with texas history -what were the illegal immigants called?

I really need help! I am doing a treasure hunt where our teacher gave us questions to answer. I have answered them all except one and I cannot find it at all. we cannot use wiki as a source. if you have an answer, please give me a link to look up as I have to provide a link. Heres the question:
"the original 300 were not the only immigrants into texas during this time, although they were the only Legal ones. Others had come from the United states over the years and settled in the eastern portion of the state. they would illegally cross both the sabine and red rivers. what are these illegal immigrants and smugglers called? the same term is used today only in a slightly different way. How and why was smuggling such a lucrative proposition in the eastern portion of the state?
please please help.
the only thing I could think of was illegal aliens, but I cant find a source that says its right.

so would the answer be texians? I am so confused!

They were called "wetbacks".

I thought about that, but I was kinda scared to post that lol, I didn't know for sure if that was the answer, and if it wasn't I didn't want to offend anyone. do you have a link at all that I can use for that?

thank you SOOOO much!

what about this part?

How and why was smuggling such a lucrative proposition in the eastern portion of the state?

We don't talk much about it, it is part of the Dark History.

1) Mexico abolished slavery in 1829. However, the new immigrants to East Texas saw good land that needed to be cleared and worked, cotton land. So trade in illegal slaves flourished.
2) Mexico wanted to control commerce, but had few troops committed. French traders operated a widespread illegal trade (furs, pelts, for many things) starting in the early 1800's, and this continued after the French were displaced. Basically, the Mexicans regulated as best they could with the very limited resources they committed, however, the immigrants from the US didn't want to bothered by Mexican authority.

Mr bob I sure appreciate your help, and that helps me understand it versus just giving the answer! I knew it had something to do with the cotton fields!

The term you are looking for is "filibusters" or "filibusteros." These were individuals who engaged in unauthorized activities in Texas, including illegal immigration and smuggling. They were mostly Americans who entered Texas without legal permission.

To find a reliable source for your treasure hunt, I suggest using alternative search engines such as DuckDuckGo or Bing, and avoiding websites like Wikipedia. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Open your preferred search engine (e.g., DuckDuckGo) and enter a search query related to the question. For example, you could search for "illegal immigrants in Texas 1800s" or "smuggling in Texas during settlement period."

2. Look for websites that are from reputable educational institutions, historical societies, or government sources. These sources are often more reliable than personal blogs or random websites.

3. Once you find a potential source that answers your question, check if it provides credible information and references. For example, see if the website is from a trusted institution or if it cites primary or secondary sources.

4. If you find a suitable source, copy the website link and provide it as your reference for the treasure hunt. Make sure to follow any specific guidelines your teacher may have given for citing sources.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and cross-reference it with other sources whenever possible. It's always important to verify the accuracy and reliability of the information before using it as a reference.