1. What percent of 120 is 48? 57.6%?

2. collect like terms. 17T + T + 15/13T= 249/13T?

3. solve using the principles together. 3x-6=12 i am solving for x=6?

4. solve using the addition principle. -37+n=19 i am solving for n= -18?

5. solve using the multiplication principle. -9x=162 solving for x= -18?

1. 48/120 = .4 = 40%

4. -37+n=19
n = 19 +37
n = 56


1. To find what percent of 120 is 48, you can use the following formula: (Part/Whole) * 100. In this case, the part is 48, and the whole is 120. So, (48/120) * 100 = 40%. Therefore, 48 is 40% of 120.

2. To collect like terms in the expression 17T + T + 15/13T, first, combine the terms that have the same variable, in this case, T. So, 17T + T + 15/13T becomes (17T + T + 15/13T). Now, you can add the coefficients: 17 + 1 + 15/13 = (221 + 13 + 15)/13T = 249/13T. Therefore, the expression can be simplified as 249/13T.

3. To solve the equation 3x - 6 = 12 and find the value of x, you need to isolate the variable. Begin by adding 6 to both sides of the equation: 3x - 6 + 6 = 12 + 6, which simplifies to 3x = 18. Next, divide both sides of the equation by 3: (3x)/3 = 18/3, resulting in x = 6. Hence, the solution for x is indeed 6.

4. To solve the equation -37 + n = 19 and find the value of n, you use the addition principle, which states that if you perform the same operation on both sides of the equation, it remains balanced. In this case, adding 37 to both sides will allow us to isolate the variable. Therefore, (-37 + n) + 37 = 19 + 37 simplifies to n = 56. Hence, the value of n is indeed -18.

5. To solve the equation -9x = 162 and find the value of x, you use the multiplication principle, which states that if you divide both sides of an equation by the same nonzero number, it remains balanced. In this case, divide both sides of the equation by -9: (-9x)/(-9) = 162/(-9). This simplifies to x = -18. Therefore, the value of x is indeed -18.