Use a centimeter ruler and separate sheet of paper to draw am 8 cm. by 6 cm. rectangle. List its perimeter on the table below. Then cut out the rectangle and also cut along the diagonal as shown below in the picture. Use the your two pieces to create 4 new geometric shapes. After making each shape, determine its perimeter.

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To draw an 8 cm by 6 cm rectangle using a centimeter ruler and a separate sheet of paper, follow these steps:

1. Place the ruler horizontally on the paper.
2. Align the zero mark of the ruler with the left edge of the paper.
3. Use the ruler to measure 8 cm and make a small mark on the paper at that point.
4. Now, align the ruler vertically with the mark you made and the bottom edge of the paper.
5. Measure 6 cm using the ruler and make another mark on the paper.
6. Join the marks using a straight line, and you have drawn an 8 cm by 6 cm rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P = 2(Length + Width).

Therefore, for the 8 cm by 6 cm rectangle, the perimeter would be:

P = 2(8 + 6)
= 2(14)
= 28 cm

Now let's move on to cutting out the rectangle and creating 4 new shapes.

1. After cutting out the rectangle, you will have a rectangular piece of paper.
2. Measure the length and width of this rectangular piece and determine its new perimeter. This will be your first new shape.

3. Take the other piece of paper, which now includes the diagonal of the original rectangle. Measure its perimeter. This will be your second new shape.

4. For the remaining two pieces, use your creativity to fold, cut, or rearrange them into different shapes. Once you have formed each new shape, measure the perimeter of each shape.

By following these steps, you will be able to draw the rectangle, determine its perimeter, and create four new shapes with their respective perimeters.