3xsquared-9x-11 How to map unto a graph

To graph the equation 3x² - 9x - 11, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the range of values for x that you want to plot on the graph. For example, you might choose a range of -5 to 5.

Step 2: Substitute different values of x into the equation and calculate the corresponding y-values. For each x-value, calculate the corresponding y-value using the equation 3x² - 9x - 11.

Step 3: Plot the points on a coordinate plane. For each x-value and its corresponding y-value, place a point on the graph.

Step 4: Connect the points. Once you have plotted several points, draw a smooth curve through the points to represent the graph of the equation.

Here's an example to show you how to apply these steps:

Let's choose a range of x-values from -5 to 5.

For x = -5, substitute it into the equation:
y = 3(-5)² - 9(-5) - 11
y = 3(25) + 45 - 11
y = 75 + 45 - 11
y = 109

So the first point on the graph is (-5, 109).

Repeat this process for other values of x, such as -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

After substituting the x-values into the equation and calculating the corresponding y-values, you will end up with a set of points. Plot these points on a coordinate plane.

Once you have plotted enough points, connect them with a smooth curve to represent the graph of the equation 3x² - 9x - 11.

Graphing software or a graphing calculator can also be used to quickly plot the points and draw the graph.