what color is LARMENDEGREE when you unscramble it??

To unscramble the word "LARMENDEGREE," we can rearrange the letters to form a new word. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by identifying any familiar words or patterns within the given word. In this case, we can see the word "GREEN" within "LARMENDEGREE," which might indicate that the answer involves the color green.

2. Now let's rearrange the remaining letters: "LARMENDEGREE - GREEN" = "LARMEDREE"

3. Next, let's continue rearranging the letters until we find an appropriate word. After some trial and error, we can form the word "EMERALD" using the remaining letters.

Thus, when you unscramble "LARMENDEGREE," you get the word "EMERALD." Therefore, the color associated with "LARMENDEGREE" is "emerald."