At what displacement from the equilibrium is the total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator one - sixths KE and five - sixth PE? Answer should be in terms of the amplitude A.

Let A be the full amplitude displacement and k be the sping constant.

The maximum total energy is
Et = (1/2) k A^2
The potential energy for other displacements is
Ep = (1/2) k x^2

Ep/Et = 5/6 when (x/A)^2 = 5/6
x/A = 0.91287

To find the displacement from the equilibrium at which the total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is one-sixth KE (kinetic energy) and five-sixth PE (potential energy), we need to understand the relationship between the total energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator and its displacement.

In a simple harmonic oscillator, the total mechanical energy (E) is the sum of kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE) at any given displacement x from the equilibrium position.

E = KE + PE

The kinetic energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by:

KE = (1/2) m v^2

where m is the mass of the oscillator and v is its velocity.

The potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by:

PE = (1/2) k x^2

where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

According to the problem statement, the total energy is one-sixth KE and five-sixth PE. Let's assume the total energy is E_0. Therefore, we have:

E_0 = (1/6) KE + (5/6) PE

Now, we can substitute the expressions for KE and PE into the equation:

E_0 = (1/6) (1/2) m v^2 + (5/6) (1/2) k x^2

However, we need to relate the velocity (v) with the displacement (x). In a simple harmonic oscillator, the velocity is related to the displacement through the angular frequency (ω) and amplitude (A) by the equation:

v = ω A

The angular frequency (ω) is related to the mass (m) and spring constant (k) by the equation:

ω = sqrt(k / m)

Substituting this relation into the expression for velocity (v) gives:

v = sqrt(k / m) A

Now we can substitute this expression for v and simplify the equation:

E_0 = (1/6) (1/2) m (sqrt(k / m) A)^2 + (5/6) (1/2) k x^2

E_0 = (1/6) (1/2) m (k / m) A^2 + (5/6) (1/2) k x^2

E_0 = (1/6) (1/2) k A^2 + (5/6) (1/2) k x^2

E_0 = (k / 12) A^2 + (5/12) k x^2

Now, we can set this equation equal to the total energy (E_0) and solve for the displacement (x):

E_0 = (k / 12) A^2 + (5/12) k x^2

Solving for x:

(k / 12) A^2 + (5/12) k x^2 = E_0

(5/12) k x^2 = E_0 - (k / 12) A^2

k x^2 = 12(E_0 - (k / 12) A^2) / 5

x^2 = 12(E_0 - (k / 12) A^2) / (5k)

Taking the square root of both sides:

x = sqrt(12(E_0 - (k / 12) A^2) / (5k))

So, the displacement from the equilibrium position at which the total energy is one-sixth KE and five-sixth PE is given by x = sqrt(12(E_0 - (k / 12) A^2) / (5k)).

Please note that without specific values for the total energy (E_0), mass (m), spring constant (k), and amplitude (A), we can't provide a numerical answer.