a group has 6 fifth-graders, 7 sixth-graders, & 4 eighth-graders. One member of the group will win a prize. Describe the chances that the winner will be a sixth-grader

Pr(sixth)= 6/(6+7+4)

To calculate the chances that the winner will be a sixth-grader, we need to determine the total number of students in the group and the number of sixth-graders.

First, let's add up the number of students in each grade level:
- There are 6 fifth-graders
- There are 7 sixth-graders
- There are 4 eighth-graders

The total number of students in the group is 6 + 7 + 4 = 17.

Next, we need to determine the number of sixth-graders: 7.

To calculate the chances, we divide the number of desired outcomes (number of sixth-graders) by the total number of possible outcomes (total number of students in the group).

So, the chances that the winner will be a sixth-grader are:
7 (number of sixth-graders) / 17 (total number of students) = 7/17

Therefore, the chances that the winner will be a sixth-grader are 7/17 or approximately 0.41, which can also be expressed as a percentage of 41.18%.