have to write a paper on a detail dealing with a problem in a medical supply

office. 10 years ago Liz Jakowski promote me to office manager. I manage two employees: jack snyder and ruth disselkoen. My office provide office support for members of the executive team.
Two years ago, Liz had assign Jack to support Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo. Ruth was assigned to Samuel Daley and Frank Daley. The work flow was wqually balanced.

I've noticed that in the last three months Ruth has cut her breaks short to complete her work, complains of being tired, and at least twice a month requires overtime hors costing the company an additional $200 a month. Frank daley has complained to me a few times about the poor quality of Ruth's Work.

On the other hand, over the last three months, Jack frequently seems to have little to do.He begun coming in late a couple times a week and taking more than the allotted break times.What work he does have, however, is always professionally completed. I have to investigate to determine what is causing the problem. The facts are:
Samuel and Frank Daley share a part time administrative assistant who works only 15 hours a week.
Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo share a full time administrative assistant.
Jessica Hilo has been on medical leave for the last four month, and Liz Jakowski isn't sure whether Jessica will be able to return to work.
Jessica's duties have been tmporarily reassigned to Ralph and Frank.

Although I do not have the authority to change the work assignments of the two administrative assistants or the executive team, I clearly need to change your office assignements so that both Jack and Ruth work regularly without requiring overtime.

I have to show details that show the impact of the problem (effects) on Jack, Ruth, and the company

The steps needed to change the situation
Reason to implement each step, including the enefits to your employees, your supervisor, and the company
Informamtion about your role in the change
Could you please help me with the grammar and tell me if it sound ok.

Here is what I got:

For the past three months work-related problems have occurred, causing conflicts between co-workers. The ongoing problems require attention, so we can better assist our daily clients.
The in-office situation came about a month after Jessica Hilo took a medical leave. During this time, Ralph and Frank were temporarily assigned her duties, resulting in an unequal balanced work flow. Frank has complained about Ruth’s poor quality in work, and I have noticed that she is working overtime at least twice a month, which costs the company additional money. On the other hand, Jack frequently has little work to do, but always completes his work professionally. Ralph has an assistant that works full-time, and Frank’s assistant only works fifteen hours a week.
To be successful the company needs teamwork. I do not fee that the co-workers are performing daily office tasks as well as they can and would like to offer some suggestions. I feel we should equally balance the work flow. Instead of assigning Jessica’s work to Ralph and Frank, let Jack, Ralph and the full-time assistant temporarily take up the slack. When it is determined that Jessica isn’t coming back to work; hire someone to take her place.

The grammar of your paper is generally clear and understandable. However, there are a few areas where improvements can be made to enhance the clarity of your points. Here's a revised version of the text:

"For the past three months, our office has been grappling with work-related problems that have caused conflicts between co-workers. These ongoing issues demand immediate attention to ensure that we can better serve our clients.
The problems arose about a month after Jessica Hilo went on medical leave. During this time, Ralph and Frank were temporarily assigned her duties, resulting in an imbalanced workload. Frank has expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of Ruth's work, and I have observed that she has been working overtime at least twice a month, incurring additional costs for the company. On the other hand, Jack frequently finds himself with little work to do, although he consistently delivers high-quality results. Ralph has a full-time assistant, while Frank's assistant only works fifteen hours a week.
To foster a harmonious working environment and achieve success as a company, it is crucial that we improve teamwork and ensure that all co-workers efficiently perform their office tasks. I propose a solution that involves redistributing the workload equally. Instead of assigning Jessica's responsibilities solely to Ralph and Frank, I suggest that Jack, Ralph, and the full-time assistant temporarily share the workload. If it is determined that Jessica will not return to work, we should hire a replacement for her position.

Overall, these adjustments will bring about several benefits. Firstly, equitably distributing the workload will eliminate the need for Ruth to work overtime, reducing costs for the company. Secondly, it will enable Jack to utilize his skills and time more effectively, enhancing productivity. Additionally, the temporary redistribution of work will alleviate some of the strain on Ralph and Frank, improving their overall work quality. Ultimately, this change will positively impact the entire office, promoting a more efficient and cohesive work culture.

Regarding my role in this change, as the office manager, it is my responsibility to address and resolve these issues. By proposing these adjustments, I aim to facilitate a better work environment for everyone involved, promoting collaboration, productivity, and employee satisfaction."