Jessica's weight is 540 Newtons. According to the Third Law, if the Earth pulls on Jessica with a force of 540N, then Jessica pulls on the Earth with a force of 540 Newtons that acts in the opposite direction. However, if Jessica stumbles while rollerblading, she wil lfall down to the ground. Explain why this happens

When she stumbles, the forces are still there, they don't go away. She accelerates to the ground (F=ma) as the Earth accelerates toward her (F=Me*a)

Such is life.

When Jessica stumbles while rollerblading and falls down to the ground, it is because the force of gravity pulls her downward, overpowering the forces that keep her upright. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when the Earth pulls on Jessica with a force of 540 Newtons (her weight), she also exerts a force of 540 Newtons on the Earth in the opposite direction. However, this force Jessica exerts on the Earth does not prevent her from falling.

The reason for this is that Jessica's weight is acting vertically downward due to gravity. To maintain balance and prevent falling, an object needs to exert a force in the opposite direction that is equal to or greater than the force pulling it downward. In this case, Jessica's weight is acting downwards, and she relies on the friction between her rollerblades and the ground to keep her stable while rollerblading.

When Jessica stumbles, the friction between her rollerblades and the ground decreases, reducing the opposing force. As a result, the force of gravity becomes greater than the opposing force, causing her to lose her balance and fall down to the ground. Other factors, such as speed, momentum, and the position of her body during the stumble, may also contribute to her falling.

In summary, even though Jessica exerts an equal and opposite force on the Earth according to Newton's third law, this force alone is not enough to counteract the force of gravity and prevent her from falling when she stumbles while rollerblading.