I need to write a paper on a topic based on health care. I am looking on some ideas that I may be able to use. Again, the general topic needs to be health care and I have to pic a subtopic within that. Thanks!

What interests you? A specific disease or epidemic? The best way to pay for health care? Reasons for high health care costs? Obesity prevention?

Only you can choose a topic that you want to research and write about.

You could define and examine the differences between HMOs and PPOs -- one is less expensive than the other, in a way, but the other offers people more choices in seeking out doctors.



Sure! Here are some subtopics within the general topic of health care that you can consider for your paper:

1. Healthcare policy and reform: Explore the current policies and reforms in healthcare systems, both domestically and internationally. You can discuss the impact of policies on access, affordability, and quality of care.

2. The impact of technology in healthcare: Investigate how technology, such as electronic health records, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence, is transforming healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, and efficiency.

3. Healthcare disparities and access to care: Analyze the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes among different populations, such as racial or ethnic minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, or rural communities.

4. Mental health in healthcare: Examine the challenges and opportunities in providing comprehensive mental health services, reducing stigma, and integrating mental health care into primary care settings.

5. Global health issues: Research and discuss major health challenges that transcend national borders, such as infectious diseases, access to clean water and sanitation, maternal and child health, and the role of international organizations like the World Health Organization.

6. The ethics of healthcare: Explore ethical dilemmas and controversies in healthcare, such as end-of-life care, organ transplantation, genetic testing and privacy, and access to experimental treatments.

Now that you have some subtopics, you can start by conducting further research on each of them to gather information, read scholarly articles, and develop a thesis statement for your paper. Good luck!