Where can I find all the information I need regarding a specific North American State? Example: Florida...What is the State motto, flower, capital etc...

One of the best places to start is Wikipedia -- read the article and check out all the linked information, including further references and external links listed at the bottom of each Wikipedia article.


For example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida

Also check these sites.




To find all the information you need regarding a specific North American state like Florida, there are several reliable sources you can use:

1. Official State Websites: Most states have official websites that provide comprehensive information about the state. For Florida, you can visit the official website of the state government, which is fl.gov.

2. State Government Websites: State government websites usually have specific sections or departments dedicated to providing information about their respective states. For example, in Florida, you can find valuable information on the specific page dedicated to "About Florida" or "Visiting Florida" on their official website.

3. State-Specific Encyclopedias or Databases: Some states have specialized online encyclopedias or databases that provide detailed information about the state's history, culture, and other relevant details. For example, the "Florida Historical Society" website (myfloridahistory.org) offers a wealth of information specifically about Florida.

4. Almanacs or Guidebooks: Almanacs or guidebooks often contain comprehensive information about states, including their motto, flower, capital, and other relevant details. You can find these publications online or in local libraries.

By utilizing these resources, you can easily find all the information you need about a specific state like Florida. For instance, to find the state motto, flower, capital, and other details about Florida, you can visit the official Florida state website and navigate to the relevant sections such as "About Florida" or "State Symbols". These sections often provide a detailed list of official state symbols, motto, capital city, and other pertinent information.