Review the business in action case studies on pp.143,.146,.154, and 159 of the text in Cpt3 select one case that you find especially interesting and explain how ethics and decision making effect the individuals involved in the scenario.

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To review the business in action case studies mentioned, you would need access to the text referred to in Cpt3. Since I don't have access to specific textbooks or pages, I won't be able to provide a detailed review of those case studies. However, I can still help you understand how to analyze the ethics and decision-making aspects of a business scenario by providing a general framework.

When evaluating the ethical and decision-making aspects in a business scenario, consider the following steps:

1. Review the Scenario: Read through the case study carefully to understand the situation, the individuals involved, and the context of the decision-making process.

2. Identify the Key Ethical Issues: Look for ethical dilemmas, conflicts of interest, or moral considerations inherent in the scenario. Consider factors such as honesty, fairness, respect, transparency, and responsibility.

3. Analyze the Decision-Making Process: Evaluate the choices made by the individuals involved and the factors influencing their decisions. Identify any biases, conflicts, or pressures that may have influenced their judgment.

4. Evaluate the Consequences: Assess the potential impact of the decision on different stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and the wider community. Consider both short-term and long-term consequences.

5. Consider Ethical Frameworks: Apply ethical theories or frameworks, such as utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics, to analyze the decisions made in the scenario. Identify which ethical principles or values were prioritized or ignored.

6. Discuss Alternative Actions: Identify possible alternative courses of action that could have been taken. Consider how different choices would have affected the ethical considerations and outcomes of the scenario.

7. Reflect on Lessons Learned: Reflect on the overall case study and the implications for ethical decision making in business. Discuss the importance of ethical leadership, company culture, and organizational values in shaping decision-making processes.

By following these steps, you can analyze the ethics and decision-making involved in any business scenario, even if you don't have access to specific case studies.