Describe what the graph of interval [-4,10] looks like

can someone help me

IT looks like a line starting at -4 going to 10

can you tell me how to get this? I am not good at graphing.. and thank you for helping me

Of course! I would be happy to help you. The graph of the interval [-4, 10] represents a range of numbers on a number line.

To visualize it, imagine a number line that extends from negative infinity to positive infinity. On this number line, the interval [-4, 10] denotes all the numbers between -4 and 10, including -4 and 10 themselves. In graph form, you would represent this range as a closed interval highlighted on the number line.

To draw this graph, start by marking the numbers -4 and 10 on the number line. Then, draw a solid line segment connecting these two points, representing all the numbers in between, including -4 and 10.

The resulting graph will have a solid line segment between -4 and 10, with dots or markings at -4 and 10 to indicate that they are included in the interval.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.