What are three things young people can do to reduce risks and avoid injury?

Can someone help me answer this question.

Thank you very much.

Could you define the context of "risks" and "injury"? Is this for a unit on drugs, athletic injury, or just decisions in general?

Well, I believe 'risks' in this situation means recreational activities and the risks involved because previous questions are talking about recreational activities.

1.Wear a seatbelt in car

2.Don't play with fire
3.Wear a helmet when biking,etc.
4.Always have your shoelaces tied

The biggest thing is to T H I N K!

Yeah, Ms. Sue is right, the biggest thing is to atleast "think" twice before you act. Your one wrong step may just lead you all the way to Hell.

Certainly! Here are three things young people can do to reduce risks and avoid injury:

1. Stay physically active: Engaging in regular physical activity helps young people develop strength, flexibility, and endurance, reducing the risk of injuries. Activities like sports, dancing, or even daily exercise routines can help improve coordination, balance, and overall fitness levels.

2. Practice proper safety measures: Young people should be aware of and adhere to safety guidelines and measures in various situations. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear (e.g., helmets, knee pads, or seatbelts), using designated crosswalks when walking or cycling, following safety instructions during recreational activities, and being cautious around potentially dangerous objects or areas (e.g., heavy machinery or deep water).

3. Seek education and information: Being informed about potential risks and how to avoid them is crucial for young people. They should actively seek out information on safety topics relevant to their daily lives, such as road safety, personal safety, fire prevention, and swimming safety. Educational resources, community programs, and online sources are valuable tools to learn about specific safety measures and injury prevention strategies.

To answer the original question, it is important to teach young people the significance of physical activity, safety measures, and being informed, as these three aspects can contribute to reducing risks and avoiding injuries.