I have an article for economics and it discusses how the housing starts fell short of economists expectations.It mentions that despite not reaching there goal, they did have a 0.5% increase in first time home owners.

In your opinion do you think it sounds more like a micro or macro economics article?

Based on the information you provided, it seems like the article covers both microeconomics and macroeconomics concepts.

The discussion of housing starts falling short of economists' expectations suggests a macroeconomic perspective. Housing starts are a macroeconomic indicator that reflects the overall economic health of a country or region. Factors such as interest rates, government policies, and consumer confidence can influence housing starts, making it more of a macroeconomic concern.

On the other hand, the mention of a 0.5% increase in first-time homebuyers focuses on a specific group of consumers, which is more of a microeconomic consideration. First-time homebuyers' decisions are influenced by personal factors like income, savings, and preferences.

Overall, the article seems to touch on both macroeconomic trends and microeconomic behaviors and choices.