I have 760 mm Hg at 10 km.

How do I convert this to atms? I know that 101.3 atm is equal to 760 mmHg but i don't know how the 10 km will affect this.

760mmHg is 1 atm.

Now, your statement on 101.3: 101.3 kiloPascals is one atmosphere.

Memorize these, standard pressure:
1 atm, 760 torr, 760mmHg, 101.3kPa, 14.7lbs/in^2, 29.9 in Hg.

To convert 760 mmHg at 10 km to atmospheres (atm), you will need to consider the altitude effect on pressure.

Altitude affects the pressure because as you move higher in the atmosphere, the pressure decreases. Therefore, you need to take into account the altitude of 10 km when converting.

First, note that 760 mmHg is equivalent to 1 atm at sea level. This is the standard pressure value.

To convert the pressure at an altitude of 10 km, you can use the barometric formula, which describes how pressure decreases with altitude. The formula is as follows:

P = P₀ * exp(-h/H)

P is the pressure at the given altitude, P₀ is the pressure at sea level (1 atm or 760 mmHg), h is the altitude (10 km or 10,000 meters), and H is the scale height constant.

The value of H depends on different factors, such as temperature and gravity. On average, H is approximately equal to 8,000 meters or 8 km.

Plugging in the values into the formula:

P = 1 atm * exp(-10,000 m / 8,000 m)

P ≈ 0.6928 atm

Therefore, the pressure at 10 km altitude is approximately 0.6928 atm.

Remember that this formula provides an approximation, and the actual pressure can vary based on specific conditions.