I need help writing the criteria of what makes a good story. (I have to make a cluster diagram on it)


Here are a number of sites for good story structure.


Of course! To determine the criteria for what makes a good story, we can start by breaking down the different elements that contribute to its quality. Here are some aspects you can consider when creating your cluster diagram:

1. Plot: A good story should have a captivating and well-structured plot. Think about how the events unfold, the conflicts and obstacles encountered by the characters, and how they are resolved.

2. Characterization: Interesting and well-developed characters are essential. Consider their motives, personalities, and how they evolve throughout the story. Characters should be relatable and have depth.

3. Themes: A good story often explores thought-provoking themes or messages. Reflect on the underlying ideas, metaphors, or symbols used to convey these themes.

4. Setting: The setting of a story helps create a unique atmosphere and context. Think about the time period, geographical location, and details that bring the story world to life.

5. Writing style: The writer's voice and use of language can greatly impact the quality of a story. Consider the use of descriptive language, dialogue, pacing, and overall readability.

6. Conflict and tension: A good story should have compelling conflicts and a sense of tension or suspense. Identify the main conflict(s) and how they drive the plot and engage the reader.

7. Emotional impact: A strong story often evokes emotions in the reader. Reflect on how the story makes you feel and how it might resonate with others emotionally.

8. Originality: While there are common story elements, a good story should have its own unique perspective or originality. Consider how the story stands out from others in its genre.

To create a cluster diagram, you can start with a central point or "good story" and then branch out into sub-categories for each of these criteria. For each sub-category, you can further expand with specific examples or sub-points. This will help you visualize the interconnectedness of these elements in a good story.