Please give the formula to calculate

Actual mahcine hours
MH budgeted
Actual VOH

To calculate Actual Machine Hours (MH), you need information about the number of hours the machine has been in use. Here is the formula:

Actual Machine Hours (MH) = Total hours the machine has been in use

To calculate MH Budgeted, you need the budgeted machine hours for a specific period. This information is typically provided by the organization's budgeting department. Here is the formula:

MH Budgeted = Budgeted Machine Hours for the specific period

To calculate Actual Variable Overhead (VOH), you need information about the actual variable overhead expenses incurred during a particular period. Here is the formula:

Actual Variable Overhead (VOH) = Total Variable Overhead Expenses for the specific period

Please note that the specific details required to calculate these values may vary based on the context or specific accounting systems used by an organization.