Select a management function (planning, directing and motivating, or controlling) and explain how that function relates to business as a whole. Next, select a different function listed by a classmate. Discuss with your classmate how the functions you each selected complement each other.

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I have selected the management function of planning. Planning is a crucial function because it sets the direction for the business as a whole. It involves the process of determining goals, analyzing current resources and capabilities, and formulating strategies to achieve those goals.

When it comes to business as a whole, planning is essential because it helps organizations anticipate future challenges and opportunities. By creating a roadmap for action, planning ensures that resources are allocated effectively, risks are minimized, and objectives are achieved in a timely manner. It also allows businesses to respond and adapt to unexpected circumstances.

Now, let's discuss a different function selected by your classmate. For instance, your classmate may have chosen the function of directing and motivating. This function is all about guiding and leading employees to achieve the goals set during the planning process. It involves providing clear instructions, communicating effectively, and motivating individuals to give their best efforts.

The function of directing and motivating complements planning in various ways. Once a plan is in place, it is crucial to ensure that employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities. This is where directing comes in, as managers need to provide clear guidance and instructions to their teams, enabling them to execute the planned strategies effectively.

Similarly, motivating employees is important to maintain their enthusiasm and commitment to achieving the organization's goals. When people are motivated, they are more likely to put in their best efforts, which helps in achieving the desired outcomes outlined in the planning phase.

In this way, planning and directing/motivating work hand in hand. Planning sets the overall direction and strategy for the organization, while directing and motivating ensures that people are aligned and engaged in executing those plans successfully. By complementing each other, these functions contribute to the overall success of the business by enabling effective goal achievement and maximizing employee performance.