the percentages of carbon,hydrogen and oxygen in vitamin c were determined by burning a sample weighing 2.00mg,the masses of carbondioxide and water formed are 3.00mg and 0.81mg respectively.from these information,find the percentage of each element and the emperical formular of vitamin c.

I can't

I don't understand

To find the percentage of each element in Vitamin C, you need to use the given mass of CO2 and H2O formed during the combustion.

1. Calculate the mass of carbon in the CO2:
- Mass of CO2 = 3.00 mg.
- Since CO2 contains one carbon atom, the mass of carbon is also 3.00 mg.

2. Calculate the mass of hydrogen in the H2O:
- Mass of H2O = 0.81 mg.
- Since H2O contains 2 hydrogen atoms, the mass of hydrogen is 2 * 0.81 mg = 1.62 mg.

3. Calculate the mass of oxygen:
- Mass of oxygen = Total mass of sample - (Mass of carbon + Mass of hydrogen)
- Mass of oxygen = 2.00 mg - (3.00 mg + 1.62 mg)
- Mass of oxygen = -2.62 mg (Negative mass is not possible.)

From the information given, it appears that there is an error in the data provided, as the calculated mass of oxygen is negative. Please double-check the given masses of CO2 and H2O or any other information provided to ensure accuracy.

This problem will be come obvious when you do the problems above.