what are some good sub- topic/ topic/question and obesity in America?

Why is there an obesity epidemic?

* Self-indulgence in our affluent(and sometimes greedy) society?
* Poverty that restricts some people to high calorie food?
* Lack of exercise because of indoor and sedentary activities like TV and computers?
* Poor upbringing with the wrong kinds of food?
* Too many activities that make family meals often impossible?
* Greater stresses that is often assuaged by eating?

These questions could be researched. We need to know the causes of obesity before we can figure out how to prevent it.

do you have any ideas how i can do community service?

If your community service is supposed to be part of your obesity project, you could --

* Put up posters in school cafeterias that encourage healthy eating
* Help organize, plant, and harvest a community gardens
* Supervise children in outdoor activities

what can be a topic that grabs your attention

The topic about obesity that grabs my attention are the statistics about the serious major health problems and the medical costs of treating these problems of obesity.

Certainly! Here are some sub-topics, topics, and questions related to obesity in America:

1. Sub-Topic: Causes of obesity in America
- Topic: Fast-food consumption and obesity rates in America
- Question: How does the popularity of fast food contribute to obesity in America?

2. Sub-Topic: Health consequences of obesity
- Topic: Obesity-related diseases in America
- Question: What are some common health conditions associated with obesity in America?

3. Sub-Topic: Socioeconomic factors and obesity
- Topic: Income disparity and obesity rates in America
- Question: How does income inequality impact obesity rates in America?

4. Sub-Topic: Childhood obesity
- Topic: School interventions to prevent childhood obesity
- Question: What strategies can schools adopt to tackle childhood obesity in America?

To find more information about these topics, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching reliable sources such as government agencies, research institutes, and reputable health organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO).

2. Use search engines, databases, or academic journals to find scholarly articles and studies related to your chosen sub-topic, topic, or question.

3. Look for data and statistics from reliable sources, as they can provide valuable insights into the prevalence and trends of obesity in America.

4. Consider reading books, attending webinars, or watching documentaries on obesity to gain a deeper understanding of the issue.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find, consider multiple perspectives, and cite your references properly when using information from external sources.