Steves mom age is 7 years less than 3 times steves age. The sum of their ages is 65 years. Find their ages.


a= 24yr Steve

65-24= 41yr Mother

To find Steve's and his mom's ages, we can solve the problem using a system of equations.

Let's assume Steve's age is represented by 'S', and his mom's age is represented by 'M'.

According to the given information:
1. "Steve's mom's age is 7 years less than 3 times Steve's age". This can be written as: M = 3S - 7.
2. "The sum of their ages is 65 years". This can be written as: M + S = 65.

We have two equations:
M = 3S - 7 ...(Equation 1)
M + S = 65 ...(Equation 2)

Now, we can solve the system of equations to find the values of M and S.

First, let's substitute Equation 1 into Equation 2:
(3S - 7) + S = 65
4S - 7 = 65
4S = 65 + 7
4S = 72
S = 72/4
S = 18

Now, substitute the value of S into Equation 2 to find M:
M + 18 = 65
M = 65 - 18
M = 47

So, Steve's age (S) is 18 years, and his mom's age (M) is 47 years.