A _____________ volt battery will increase the potential energy of 0.005 coulombs of charge by 29.5 joules.

To find the answer, we can use the equation for potential energy:

Potential energy (in joules) = Electric potential (in volts) x Charge (in coulombs)

In this case, we are given the potential energy (29.5 joules) and the charge (0.005 coulombs). We need to find the electric potential (in volts).

Rearranging the equation, we get:

Electric potential (in volts) = Potential energy (in joules) / Charge (in coulombs)

Plugging in the values, we have:

Electric potential (in volts) = 29.5 joules / 0.005 coulombs

Evaluating this expression will give us the answer.