I sm having a difficul time trying to find information about captain john chaffin. please help

I didn't find anything either.

Are you sure you've spelled his name correctly?

yes i am sure

James Chaffin came to the Tenoxtitial settlement (part of Austin's colony) in 1834. In 1836, he fought in the Battle of San Jacinto, under Sam Houston.

i am searching for captain john chaffin not James. I'm still searching!!!!

Of course! Here's how you can find information about Captain John Chaffin:

1. Start with a general search: Begin by searching for "Captain John Chaffin" on search engines like Google or Bing. This will provide you with a broad overview of any notable individuals with that name.

2. Refine your search: If you're looking for a specific Captain John Chaffin, try adding more relevant keywords to your search. For example, include the branch of the military, specific years of service, or any other details that may help narrow down the results.

3. Utilize military databases: There are various military databases available online that you can search through for information on armed forces personnel. Some popular options include the National Archives Military Records, Fold3, or the Military Times Hall of Valor.

4. Local archives and historical societies: Depending on the time and location of Captain John Chaffin's service, you may find relevant records or information in local archives or historical societies. Consider reaching out to these organizations via email or phone to inquire about any available resources or possible contact points.

5. Military-specific websites: Explore websites that are dedicated to military history and genealogy. Websites like Ancestry.com, FamilySearch, or even specialized military forums might have information related to Captain John Chaffin or be populated by users who can provide insights.

6. Social media and online communities: If Captain John Chaffin is a relatively recent figure, consider searching for his name on social media platforms or in relevant online communities. You may find personal accounts, dedicated pages, or discussions related to his service.

7. Professional networks: If Captain John Chaffin has a military background, there's a chance he may be associated with professional groups or societies. Search for organizations related to his field, such as officer associations or veterans' groups, and reach out to them for potential leads or contacts.

Remember, finding information about specific individuals can sometimes be challenging, especially if they have limited online presence or their records are not easily accessible. Be persistent, explore various sources, and don't hesitate to reach out to relevant experts or organizations for assistance.