Show me a plot diagram example please.

Sure! Here's an example of a plot diagram:

1. Exposition: This is the beginning of the story where the characters, setting, and basic background information are introduced. It sets the stage for the events to come.

2. Rising Action: This is the section where the conflict or problem starts to develop. It includes a series of events that build suspense and tension, leading up to the climax.

3. Climax: This is the turning point of the story, where the conflict reaches its highest point of intensity. It is the most exciting and crucial part of the plot.

4. Falling Action: After the climax, the tension decreases and the story starts to wind down. The falling action shows the consequences or aftermath of the climax, and it leads the story towards its resolution.

5. Resolution: Also known as the denouement, this is the end of the story where the conflict is resolved, and loose ends are tied up. It provides a sense of closure for the reader.

To create your own plot diagram, start by identifying the key elements of your story, such as the characters, setting, conflict, and resolution. Then, determine the major events that occur in each stage of the plot. Finally, arrange these events in the order they happen and draw a diagram with each stage represented as a segment on a horizontal line. This will help you visualize the structure of your story and ensure that it has a clear beginning, middle, and end.