Who were enemies of Queen Elizabeth I

Mary, Queen of Scots, was one enemy.

Spain was an enemy of England.

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Also King Philip

Queen Elizabeth I of England, who reigned from 1558 to 1603, had several enemies during her reign. Some of the prominent enemies of Queen Elizabeth I were:

1. Mary, Queen of Scots: Mary Stuart, also known as Mary, Queen of Scots, was a rival claimant to the English throne. Elizabeth imprisoned Mary for almost 20 years due to her involvement in various plots against the queen. Eventually, Mary was executed in 1587.

2. Catholic European Powers: As a Protestant monarch, Elizabeth I faced opposition from several Catholic European powers, including Spain and France. Spain, in particular, had a significant political and religious rivalry with England, which eventually led to the famous Spanish Armada invasion in 1588.

3. English Catholic Dissidents: Within England, there were Catholic dissidents who opposed Elizabeth's religious policies and her position as head of the Church of England. Some notable figures leading these dissenting movements were Robert Parsons and Edmund Campion, who were Jesuit priests and actively plotted against the queen.

4. English Nobility: Elizabeth faced challenges from various English nobles who were discontented with her reign. One of the most significant threats came from the Duke of Norfolk, who conspired with Mary, Queen of Scots, to overthrow Elizabeth. The plot was discovered, and Norfolk was executed in 1572.

It is essential to note that Queen Elizabeth I employed an extensive network of spies and agents to monitor and counteract these threats. These include the famous spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham, who played a significant role in uncovering and thwarting assassination plots against the queen.