tell if the figure is a star polygon, a polygon,

or other, and how many sides it has.

It is a triangle. 9/3=3/1 which is a triangle.

To determine if the given figure is a star polygon, a regular polygon, or something else, we need to understand their definitions.

A polygon is a 2D shape with straight sides that are connected to form a closed figure. It can have any number of sides but must satisfy two conditions: it must be closed (the last side connects to the first side) and it must be formed by straight lines.

A star polygon, on the other hand, is a special polygon where each line segment connecting two vertices of the polygon passes through the center of the polygon. It creates a star-like appearance.

Now, let's examine the figure {9/3} to determine its classification.

Since the figure is represented in the form {a/b}, where 'a' represents the number of vertices and 'b' represents the number of edges, we can deduce that this figure has 9 vertices and 3 edges.

Considering this information, we can conclude that {9/3} is neither a star polygon nor a regular polygon. A regular polygon should have equal lengths for all sides and equal angles between them, while a star polygon would have more than three edges passing through each of its vertices.

Therefore, {9/3} is an irregular polygon with 9 sides.