When structural functionalists argue that deviance is functional for society, they point out all of the following except:

A)Deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms
B)deviance promotes social unity
C)Deviance promotes social change
D)Deviance opposes the capitalist class

Please see my answer below.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the perspective of structural functionalists on deviance.

According to structural functionalism, deviance refers to any behavior that violates the social norms of a given society. Structural functionalists argue that deviance can serve certain functions or purposes within society, despite its negative connotations. These functions include clarifying moral boundaries, affirming societal norms, promoting social unity, and even facilitating social change.

Now, looking at the options provided:

A) Deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms - This is one of the functions that structural functionalists argue deviance serves. It helps society determine what is morally acceptable and reinforces the existing norms.

B) Deviance promotes social unity - This is also one of the functions mentioned by structural functionalists. They argue that when a deviant act occurs, it often brings the rest of society together, reinforcing their shared values and norms.

C) Deviance promotes social change - This is another function mentioned by structural functionalists. They argue that deviance can challenge existing norms and lead to social change, as it prompts society to question and potentially modify their beliefs and rules.

D) Deviance opposes the capitalist class - This option does not align with the arguments made by structural functionalists. Structural functionalists focus more on how deviance functions within society as a whole rather than its opposition to particular social classes.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) Deviance opposes the capitalist class.