Hi! Could anyone tell me what "Je ne deteste pas" means?


it means " I don' t hate "


Thank you so much!!

Also, what does "Quelle est la date de son anniversaire?" mean?
I think it means "What is the date of his/her birthday?"
Is that correct?
Thanks!! :)

Both responses are correct!

Sra (aka Mme)

Absolutely! "Je ne déteste pas" is a French phrase that translates to "I don't hate" in English. It is a negation of the verb "détester," which means "to hate."

If you come across French phrases or words you don't understand, one way you can find their meanings is by using an online translator. There are various websites and apps, such as Google Translate or Deepl, that can instantly translate text from one language to another.

To use an online translator, simply type or paste the phrase "Je ne déteste pas" into the input box for the source language, which would be French in this case. Then, select the target language, which is typically English. After pressing the "Translate" button, you'll be provided with the translated phrase, "I don't hate."

It's always a good practice to verify translations by consulting multiple sources, especially when dealing with idiomatic expressions or complex sentences. Additionally, learning the basics of a language can also be helpful in understanding common phrases and their translations.