In a free verse poem do you need punctuation?

free verse does not mean don't use needed punctuation or capitalization. As I searched for examples of free verse, I found many that didn't have punctuation (which caused ideas and thoughts to run together) and didn't have capitalization, which distracts from the meaning.

yah that's how i was confused

I have seen free verse without punctuation, but I have to tell you it runs together and gets me confused and often lost. Most free verse poets use punctuation to break thoughts, and to separate ideas.

In free verse poetry, the use of punctuation is not required, as one of the defining characteristics of free verse is the freedom from strict rules and structures. However, the use of punctuation in free verse poems is a stylistic choice made by the poet.

To determine whether or not to use punctuation in a free verse poem, you can consider the following factors:

1. Intention: Think about the purpose and effect you want to achieve with your poem. Punctuation can help guide the reader's understanding of the poem's rhythm, structure, and meaning. Conversely, omitting punctuation can create a sense of flow and ambiguity.

2. Breath and Pause: Punctuation can indicate where the reader should take a pause or catch a breath while reading the poem aloud. Consider if you want to provide these cues to guide the reader's interpretation.

3. Visual Impact: Punctuation can also contribute to the visual appearance of the poem on the page. Experiment with punctuation marks or their absence to create interesting visual effects or to enhance the overall aesthetic of the poem.

Ultimately, the decision to use punctuation in a free verse poem is up to the poet. It is an artistic choice which depends on the desired effect and the interpretation of the poem.