[-4,10] im supposed to describe what the graph of the interval looks like..

help please im not good at this kind of math.

It's just a line between and including the points -4 and 10.

Don't worry, I can help you with that!

To describe the graph of the interval [-4, 10], we need to understand what an interval means on a number line. An interval represents a range of numbers between two points. The left endpoint of the interval is -4, and the right endpoint is 10.

To visualize this on a number line, start by drawing a horizontal line. Label the line with numbers starting from -4 on the left side, moving towards the right, and ending with 10. Place a closed filled-in circle at -4 to represent the left endpoint, and another closed filled-in circle at 10 to represent the right endpoint.

Next, draw a solid line segment connecting the two endpoints. This line segment represents all the numbers between -4 and 10, including both -4 and 10. The segment should be bold and distinguishable from the rest of the number line.

The resulting graph should look like a line segment extending from -4 to 10, with solid endpoints at -4 and 10.

I hope this explanation helps you visualize and understand how to describe the graph of the interval [-4, 10] on a number line!