whom did the committee of public safety consider to be enemies of the state?


Could I put this for my answer:

The Committee of Public Safety considered the people who still believed they need a king, or who supported King Louis XVI to be an enemy.

Yes! You're right!

The Committee of Public Safety, during the French Revolution, considered several groups to be enemies of the state. It targeted individuals it perceived as threats to the revolutionary government and its ideals. The primary targets included:

1. Counter-Revolutionaries: This term encompassed those who actively opposed the revolution, including members of the nobility, clergy, and foreign powers supporting the monarchy.

2. Girondins: The Committee considered the Girondins, a moderate political faction within the National Convention, as enemies due to their opposition to the radical policies pursued by the more radical factions, such as the Jacobins.

3. Émigrés: These were individuals who had fled France during the revolution, particularly members of the nobility and clergy who sought to restore the ancien régime.

4. Suspected Traitors and Spies: The Committee was particularly vigilant in identifying and eliminating individuals who were suspected of working against the revolutionary government, whether they were French citizens or foreign agents.

5. Royalist Insurgents: Individuals or groups who rebelled against the republican government and sought to reinstate the monarchy were viewed as a threat and were targeted for suppression.

To find more specific information about the enemies of the Committee of Public Safety, you can refer to historical books, articles, or official documents relating to the French Revolution.