need a word that has all these letters

d, l, b, a , e, e, n, b
plz been stuck for a while
grade 2

I already answered this, please check your previous post

yes the answer is bendable ..just as sara said on ur previous question.

To find a word that includes the letters "d, l, b, a, e, e, n, b," we can try unscrambling them to form meaningful words. Using those letters, one word that can be formed is "bendable."

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can try to unscramble the given letters to find a word:

1. Start by writing down all the given letters: d, l, b, a, e, e, n, b.

2. Rearrange the letters to form different combinations. You can try different arrangements to see if they spell out any recognizable words.

3. As you rearrange the letters, look for common prefixes or suffixes that might help you identify potential words.

4. In this case, after rearranging the letters, the word "bendable" can be formed.

Remember, this method may not always guarantee that words can be formed from a given set of letters, but it's worth a try. Additionally, you can use online tools or word scramblers to assist you in finding words from given letters.