how many of the first 999 fibonacci numbers are odd?

Every 3rd number is even with 2 odd numbers in between successive even numbers.

999/3 = 333 x 2 = 666.

To find out how many of the first 999 Fibonacci numbers are odd, we need to calculate the Fibonacci sequence and count the number of odd numbers in the sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence starts with 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the two previous numbers. So, let's generate the Fibonacci numbers and count the odd ones.

Here's an algorithm that you can use to calculate the Fibonacci sequence:

1. Initialize three variables: `n1` with a value of 0, `n2` with a value of 1, and `count` with a value of 0.
2. Start a loop that repeats 998 times (since we already have the first two numbers).
3. Calculate the next Fibonacci number by adding `n1` and `n2`.
4. If the calculated Fibonacci number is odd, increment the `count` variable by 1.
5. Set `n1` to the value of `n2` and `n2` to the value of the calculated Fibonacci number.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the loop finishes.
7. Finally, increment the `count` variable by 1 to account for the first Fibonacci number, which is 0.

By following this algorithm, you can calculate the number of odd Fibonacci numbers.

Please note that the above algorithm assumes Fibonacci numbers are 0-indexed, meaning the first Fibonacci number is F(0). If you want to consider Fibonacci numbers to be 1-indexed, you should modify the algorithm accordingly.