what are Visual elements?

WikiAnswers - What are the Visual Elements

Arts and Crafts question: What are the Visual Elements? In art there are 7
visual elements. They are: line, shape, texture, light, value, color and space.

WikiAnswers - Arts visual elements
Arts and Crafts question: Arts visual elements? The Visual Art elements are:
line color shape form space texture.

WikiAnswers - What are the 7 elements of visual arts
Colors question: What are the 7 elements of visual arts? 1. LINES 2. COLOR 3.
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/ What_are_the_7_elements_of_visual_arts

WikiAnswers - The 7 visual elements of art
Fine Art question: The 7 visual elements of art? I only know five but they are:
1. Size 2. Shape 3. Tone 4. Texture 5. Colour.

Visual elements are the fundamental building blocks of visual design. They are the elements that artists and designers use to create visual compositions. These elements include line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space. Understanding and effectively utilizing these visual elements is essential for creating compelling visual designs that are aesthetically pleasing and communicative.

Here's a brief explanation of each visual element:

1. Line: A line is a mark that connects two points. It can vary in thickness, length, direction, and style, and it can be straight or curved. Lines can be used to define shapes, create patterns, and convey movement or direction.

2. Shape: A shape is a two-dimensional area defined by boundaries, such as a square, circle, triangle, or any other form. Shapes can be geometric or organic, and they can be used to create patterns, emphasize certain elements, or convey meanings or emotions.

3. Form: Form refers to the three-dimensional aspect of an object or figure. It can be represented in visual design through techniques such as shading, perspective, and highlighting, giving the illusion of depth and volume.

4. Color: Color is one of the most noticeable and influential visual elements. It can evoke emotions, convey meanings, create contrasts, and establish harmonies. Colors can be categorized into primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, and they have attributes such as hue, value, and saturation.

5. Value: Value refers to the brightness or darkness of a color, ranging from light to dark. It is essential for creating contrast, defining shapes, and establishing visual hierarchy.

6. Texture: Texture refers to the surface quality or feel of an object or design element. It can be smooth, rough, glossy, matte, or any other tactile or visual quality that can be perceived. Texture adds interest, depth, and realism to visual compositions.

7. Space: Space refers to the area within or around objects in a design. It can be positive (occupied by elements) or negative (empty or background space). Effective use of space influences visual flow, hierarchy, and balance in a design.

To employ these visual elements effectively, designers consider factors such as composition, balance, contrast, harmony, and unity. By manipulating these elements, visual designers create visuals that engage, inform, and communicate with their intended audience.