i need to know what mean, median, mode, and range are?


MEAN- add all the numbers then divide by how many numbers there r MEDIAN- put all the numbers in order from least to greatest then pick the # in the middle if its 2 #s in the middle add em up then divide it by 2 MODE- the number seen the most RANGE- subtract the biggest number from the smallest number

Sure! Mean, median, mode, and range are statistical measures used to describe and analyze data.

- Mean: Also known as the average, the mean is calculated by adding up all the values in a dataset and then dividing by the number of values. It provides an estimate of the central tendency or the typical value of the data set.

To calculate the mean:
1. Add up all the values in the dataset.
2. Divide the sum by the total number of values in the dataset.

- Median: The median is the middle value in a dataset when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order. It represents the value that separates the higher and lower half of the data set.

To calculate the median:
1. Arrange the values in the data set in ascending or descending order.
2. If the number of values is odd, the median is the middle value.
3. If the number of values is even, the median is the average of the two middle values.

- Mode: The mode is the value or values that appear most frequently in a dataset. In other words, it is the value that occurs with the highest frequency.

To identify the mode:
1. Look for the value(s) that appears most frequently in the data set.
2. If there is more than one value with the same highest frequency, the dataset is said to be multimodal.

- Range: The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a dataset. It represents the spread or variability of the data set.

To calculate the range:
1. Identify the highest value in the dataset.
2. Identify the lowest value in the dataset.
3. Subtract the lowest value from the highest value to find the range.

These statistical measures help in summarizing and understanding the characteristics of a dataset.