From my book:

"Setting provides much more than just the backdrop for the action of a story. In addition to giving the time and place, setting establishes the atmosphere/mood and influences the characters. Setting also affects readers' emotions. Explain how the setting in short story Thank You Ma'am by Langston Hughes contributes to the story and affects the reader."

I have to give:
Description of the Setting
Atmosphere/Mood established by setting
Effects on the Setting on Characters
Emotional Effect of Setting on Reader

I'm not exactly sure where to find this info, and I really need help answering those 4 things.


The setting is on a street and in the woman's apartment, in an American city. The time was the present for Hughes, so that puts it about 1950.

Try answering the rest of the questions yourself. I don't think the setting had much of an influence -- but you'll think of something. <g>

(Broken Link Removed)

To answer the question, you need to analyze the short story "Thank You Ma'am" by Langston Hughes and specifically focus on the setting. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the information you need:

1. Description of the Setting:
To provide a description of the setting, you need to carefully read the story and pay attention to the details the author provides. Consider the time and place in which the story takes place. Look for any specific descriptions of the physical environment, such as the surroundings or the location.

2. Atmosphere/Mood established by the Setting:
To determine the atmosphere or mood established by the setting, think about the feelings and emotions evoked by the setting. Consider the overall tone of the story and how the setting contributes to that tone. Look for any specific words or phrases that create a particular atmosphere or mood.

3. Effects of the Setting on Characters:
To identify the effects of the setting on the characters, examine how the environment impacts their actions, behavior, or decisions. Consider how the characters interact with their surroundings and whether the setting influences their thoughts or motivations. Look for any changes in the characters' behavior or attitudes due to the setting.

4. Emotional Effect of Setting on Reader:
To understand the emotional effect of the setting on the reader, place yourself in the shoes of the reader and think about how the described setting makes you feel. Consider whether the setting evokes any specific emotions or creates a certain atmosphere that affects your reading experience. Look for any significant passages or events in the story that contribute to your emotional response.

Once you have gathered the necessary information, you can then incorporate it into your response, addressing each of the four points provided. Remember to back up your statements with evidence from the text to support your analysis.