while shopping for clothes,tim spent $6 less than twice what brenda spent.tim spent $94. how much did brenda spend?

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Tim spent $94.

Tim spent $6 LESS than Brenda.

What did Brenda spend?

To find out how much Brenda spent while shopping for clothes, we can first understand the given information.

We know that Tim spent $6 less than twice what Brenda spent, and Tim's amount is given as $94.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's assume Brenda spent "x" dollars on clothes.

2. According to the given information, Tim spent $6 less than twice what Brenda spent. So, twice the amount Brenda spent is 2x, and $6 less than that is (2x - 6).

3. Given that Tim spent $94, we can now create an equation:
(2x - 6) = 94

4. To find out how much Brenda spent, we can solve the equation for "x":
2x - 6 = 94
2x = 100
x = 50

Therefore, Brenda spent $50 while shopping for clothes.