The mass of a certain planet is six times the mass of the earth and the diameter of the planet is twice the diameter of the earth. Find the acceleration od gravity on the surface of this planet.


To solve this problem, we need to use the formula for gravitational acceleration on the surface of a planet:

g = G * (M / R^2)

- g is the acceleration due to gravity
- G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.67430 × 10^-11 N m^2/kg^2)
- M is the mass of the planet
- R is the radius of the planet

Given that the mass of the planet is six times the mass of the Earth and the diameter of the planet is twice the diameter of the Earth, we can make the following calculations:

1. Let's assume the mass of the Earth is M_e and the mass of the planet is M_p.
Therefore, M_p = 6M_e.

2. We know that the diameter of the planet is twice the diameter of the Earth, which means the radius of the planet is twice the radius of the Earth.
Therefore, R_p = 2R_e.

3. Since we need the radius in the gravitational acceleration formula, we multiply the Earth's radius by 2:
R_p = 2 * R_e.

Now that we have the values for M_p and R_p, we can substitute these values into the formula and solve for g:

g = G * (M_p / R_p^2)

Remember to use the correct units for G, M_p, and R_p to ensure accurate results.

g is directly proportional to mass, and inversely proportional to distance squared.

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