What is example of an action that a lower-level employee at your workplace could perform to help the organization better adapt to environmental change.

good communication

That employee could do planning. It could define goals,establish strategy, and develop subplans to coordinate activities. I am not sure but maybe that employee could also be organizing things. That employee could determine what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it. I don't think that employee could do the leading and neither could it do the controlling.

To determine an example of an action that a lower-level employee at your workplace could perform to help the organization better adapt to environmental change, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the environmental change: Begin by identifying and understanding the specific environmental change that the organization is facing. This could be a regulatory change, a market trend, a technological advance, or any other factor that impacts the organization's operations.

2. Analyze the impact: Assess how the environmental change affects the organization's processes, strategies, or goals. Consider the potential risks, challenges, and opportunities that arise from this change.

3. Identify areas of improvement: Look for areas within your own work or department where adjustments or changes can be made to align with the environmental change. Consider how your tasks or projects might need to be modified to support the organization's adaptation efforts.

4. Collaborate and contribute: Engage in discussions with colleagues and managers to propose ideas and solutions related to the environmental change. Share your insights and suggestions on how your work can be adjusted to better adapt.

5. Embrace innovation: Look for ways to innovate and improve existing processes or systems in response to the environmental change. Find alternative approaches or methods that can help the organization adapt more effectively.

6. Seek out training and learning opportunities: Stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies related to the environmental change. Attend workshops, webinars, or training sessions to improve your skills and knowledge in areas that are relevant to adapting to the change.

7. Take initiative and demonstrate flexibility: Show a proactive attitude by taking initiative to implement changes within your scope of work. Be willing to adapt and adjust your tasks or projects as needed to support the organization's efforts.

By following these steps, you can identify and perform actions that contribute to better adaptation to environmental change, regardless of your position within the organization.