[This is about the short story 'A Christmas Memory' by Truman Capote]

I have to make a collage about the cousin; it can present information or convey a mood but it has to show the cousin's nature. What are some things I can include in the collage that show the character of the cousin?


What is the character of the cousin? Jot down as many words and phrases which remind you of him. Then look for lots of pictures to illustrate these words and phrases.

You'll probably include the nuts, fruitcake, kite, Christmas tree, etc., in your collage. But specifically you'll need pictures that evoke his character -- mischievous? kind?

Yes, I'll include those things but just so you know, the cousin is a girl ^_^


Oops! I just read a brief summary -- but haven't read the entire story.

Oh ok =P


To create a collage that effectively represents the character of the cousin from the short story "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote, here are some elements you can consider including:

1. Personal possessions: Find or create images of items that are significant to the cousin, such as her hat, gloves, or apron.
- To find these items, you can refer to the descriptions of the cousin's appearance and attire in the story.

2. Nature elements: Include pictures or illustrations of things related to nature that the cousin is fond of, like birds, trees, or flowers.
- You can search for relevant images on the internet or choose to draw them yourself.

3. Baking ingredients: Incorporate images of or actual ingredients used in the cousin's baking activities, like flour, sugar, or festive cookies.
- You may include pictures of ingredients cut out from magazines or print them from online resources.

4. Cardboard kite: Add a depiction of the cousin's homemade cardboard kite, which symbolizes her childlike and imaginative nature.
- You can draw and color a kite on paper or cut out a picture of a kite from a magazine.

5. Friendship: Include photographs or drawings that showcase the cousin's close bond with the protagonist, such as pictures of the two of them together or their shared activities.
- If you have any photos of friends or can find images that depict friendship, you can incorporate them into the collage.

6. Sentimental items: Consider adding images of sentimental objects that the cousin treasures, like the quote from the president engraved on an old pocket watch.
- To represent this, you can print out a small quote or a textual representation of the quote to include in the collage.

Remember to arrange these elements on a poster board, canvas, or any chosen surface in a visually appealing and meaningful way. The combination of these items should effectively capture the character and nature of the cousin from "A Christmas Memory."