why and what graph would i use for number of points darren scored for his basketball team each year he played

Either a bar or line graph would work.

dot graph because you can see clearly what and how well he did for each year. use blocks otherwise you may cry for every point yor favorite player scored.

To represent the number of points Darren scored for his basketball team each year he played, you can use a line graph or a bar graph.

1. Line graph: A line graph would be appropriate if you want to visualize the trend or change in points scored over different years. The x-axis would represent the years, and the y-axis would represent the number of points scored. Each data point would be plotted on the graph with a line connecting them, showing the progression of points scored over time.

2. Bar graph: A bar graph would be suitable if you want to compare the points scored in different years. The x-axis would represent the years, and the y-axis would represent the number of points scored. Each year's data would be represented by a separate bar, with the height of the bar corresponding to the number of points scored in that year.

Both types of graphs can effectively visualize the data, so consider the purpose and audience of the graph to determine which one would be most appropriate for your needs.

To visualize the number of points Darren scored for his basketball team each year he played, you can use a line graph. A line graph is suitable for displaying data that changes over time. In this case, the x-axis would represent the years (e.g., 2015, 2016, 2017, etc.), and the y-axis would represent the number of points scored. Each data point on the graph would represent the number of points Darren scored in a specific year.

To create a line graph, you can follow these steps:

1. First, gather the data on the number of points Darren scored for each year he played. Make a list or a table with the years and the corresponding number of points scored each year.

2. Plot the points on a coordinate system. Choose a scale for the x-axis that represents the years, and a scale for the y-axis that accommodates the range of points scored.

3. Mark the points on the graph by plotting a dot or a small circle at the intersection of each data point's x and y coordinates.

4. Connect the dots with straight lines, forming a line graph. This will visually represent the trend in the number of points scored over the years.

5. Finally, label the axes of the graph, providing clear titles for the x-axis (e.g., Years) and the y-axis (e.g., Number of Points). Add a title to the graph itself (e.g., "Darren's Points Scored by Year"), and include a legend if necessary.

By following these steps, you can create a line graph that visualizes the number of points Darren scored for his basketball team each year he played. This graph can help analyze and understand how his performance varied over time.