Another activity I enjoy is drawing horses. What is simple subject?

What do you think the simple subject of this sentence is?

drawing horses

Nope, "drawing horses" is part of the predicate.

First, take out the subordinate clause: "(that) I enjoy."

That leaves: "Another activity is drawing horses."

The verb is "is."

Ask yourself WHAT is?
The answer will give you the simple subject.


Right. The simple subject is "activity."

The simple subject is the key noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. It is the main topic or focus of the sentence. To identify the simple subject, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the verb: Look for the action word in the sentence. In this case, the verb is "is."

2. Ask "Who" or "What" before the verb: Ask yourself who or what is doing the action in the sentence. In this case, "What is drawing?" The answer is "I" (referring to yourself).

So, the simple subject in the sentence "Another activity I enjoy is drawing horses" is "I," as it is the one doing the drawing.