How did Native Americans' way of life at the missions differ from thier traditional way of life?

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To understand the differences between Native Americans' way of life at the missions and their traditional way of life, we need to explore historical sources such as books, articles, or firsthand accounts written by the people of that time. Here's how you can find information on this topic:

1. Start by searching for books or articles specifically focused on Native American life at the missions. Look for titles such as "The Impact of Spanish Missions on Native American Culture" or "Native American Assimilation in Spanish Missions."

2. Visit your local library and ask the librarian for relevant resources. They can direct you to books or databases that contain information about the topic. Additionally, libraries often have access to academic journals and historical archives, which can provide more in-depth insights.

3. Explore online academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or the National Archives. These platforms provide access to scholarly articles, historical documents, and primary sources that discuss the impact of missions on Native American life.

4. Look for firsthand accounts written by Native Americans who experienced life at the missions. These testimonies offer valuable perspectives and personal insights. For example, explore accounts from individuals like Chief Tenaya of the Yosemite or Antonio Garra, a member of the Cupeno tribe.

Once you have gathered relevant information from these sources, you can compare and contrast the Native Americans' way of life at the missions with their traditional way of life. Some points to consider might include changes in religion, cultural practices, social structure, economic activities, and land use patterns.